Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another New Year!

Last night was a quiet evening spent at home with my family. We made more food than we could eat alone, but it was SO good! (Who doesn't like leftovers, anyway?) We made smokies wrapped in bacon, homemade pretzels, and cheese fondue served with cubed dark rye and french bread. (Our fondue failed, but we'll try again another time and keep trying until it's PERFECT!)
Staying up much past 10PM is not something I'm used to doing these days (though it was highly common for me about 8 years ago and even before that as a graveyard waitress.) No, anymore I'm crashed out on the couch by about 10 o'clock. Last night I DID stay up to see the fireworks. Sadly, I can't say the same for the monkeys.
I can't wait until these delicious little cookies are gone! Since all of our decorations were put away yesterday, this morning was a leisurely one.

I don't make resolutions. I pretty much suck at keeping them! Instead, I have some little goals to work for, but I'm not going to make a big deal about not following through with something if life happens to throw a curveball or two. I've learned it's best to take each day one at a time and to learn to roll with the punches.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm anticipating some positive changes and I hope 2012 is great for you, too!

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